About Will Ruth

I’m the author of RowingStronger.com since 2015, and the strength coach for the Craftsbury Green Racing Project (GRP) since 2022. The GRP is a high-performance program of rowers, skiers, biathletes, and runners, founded in 2009 at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center in Craftsbury, Vermont. I also support and coach in the Craftsbury summer sculling camp program.

I moved to Vermont in 2019 from Bellingham, Washington. I was the strength coach and assistant coach for the Western Washington University (WWU) men’s rowing team since 2013. I have a BS in Kinesiology from WWU (emphasis sport psychology), an MA in Sport Coaching from the University of Denver, and an NSCA-CSCS certification. Before all that, I rowed in high school in Olympia, Washington.

What You’ll Find Here

I write every week or two with updates on new content (articles, videos, events, etc.), training tips, and notes from my coaching and learning. My longer articles go on my website, but these days I can only get a few of those over the finish line per year.

There are no paywalls here. I don’t have plans for paid content at this time, but it’s possible in the future. My writing is and will continue to be available for free. My goal is to help rowers of all ages, types, and levels improve strength training to row stronger, faster, healthier, and for longer.

You can come to this page any time to view content and archives. If you subscribe by email, you’ll get every new post straight to your inbox. It makes my day to hear from rowers and coaches when something is useful for you or helps you understand strength training better! Many of my topics are crowd-sourced from reader questions, which always help get me thinking in different directions. Please reply by email or comment on a post anytime.

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Updates and notes from my coaching and learning


Coach at Craftsbury Green Racing Project. Author of RowingStronger.com. BS Kinesiology, MA Sport Coaching, NSCA-CSCS.